Value Chains
Value Chains: potatoes, tomatoes and beans

What are the challenges ?
Lack of effectiveness
Lack of efficient and simpler farming that would increase agricultural incom
Lack of Assistance
In Burundi NGO’s face difficulties in assisting farmers to enable entrepreneurship development, practical innovation for farmers and increase of agricultural production. Current potato production of C.P.S.B is 10 tons per ha and corn 2 ton per ha.
Lack Effective and easier farming
Effective and easier farming contains several challenges in production that hinder productivity and profitability. Better and cleaner technology that can benefit small farmers are not applied.
Current situation of potato and tomato value chain in Burundi

Modern Technology
With modern technology, farmers can produce yields of 40-48 metric tons of ware potatoes per hectare. This is more than double the yields which are being reached on average in the Great Lakes Region of Africa
Small parcels less than 1ha
Most potato growers in the wider Great Lakes Region cultivate on small parcels of land, less than 1 hectare
Pests and diseases
Potato is vulnerable to pests and diseases, implying a high risk of failure
Capital is required
Potato farming requires substantial capital and intensive care and attention
Under adequate management the main crop should yield about 35 to 40 tons per hectare
Tomatoes are adapted to a wide range of growing conditions. Tomato can mature in 3 months depending on the planting material used. In Burundi, the harvesting of tomatoes can take place during at least three seasons in a year.
In selecting a site, the need for good air flow must be balanced with the risk of strong wind setting plants back. A site with good air drainage will reduce foliar disease problems and help prevent early spring and late fall frosts.
The field design selected for tomato are guided by soil conditions, training system, variety, and need for transport options access.
Modern Farming Practices that C.P.S.B wants to realize
Improve potato seeds production
- Engage in early generation seed multiplication activities - Invest in improved potato production practices - Apply post-harvest handling practices
Enabling practical agricultural technology
- Invest in proper storage techniques for tubers - Invest in agricultural machinery & technology - Invest in irrigations systems and inputs
Entrepreneurship development
- Practical Business Development - Anticipation of supply on demand of early field generations - Cooperative strategy development - Demand-driven services such as developing a viable business case