C.P.S.B. Key Activities
Farmer Cooperative with well-equipped capacities must have, productive means and resources, good cooperative governance, market-oriented approach, socio-economic impact
1. Productive Dimension
Enhancing the production, collection, processing, preservation, storage and distribution techniques of local food commodities and processed food products
2. Entrepreneurial Dimension
Enhancing market-oriented approaches, sales, and marketing activities, entrepreneurship development through the provision of business services and financial inclusions activities.
3. Organizational Dimension
Building organizational capacities, means, and resources to safeguard collective interest, tracking activities, providing essential extension services to farmers, building membership commitment, and cooperative strategy development.
4. Socio-Political Dimension
Establish Public-Private Partnerships to gain and stimulate capacities to upgrade, modernize and scale industrial production to realize rural development and socio-economic impact.

1. Productive dimension
- Good agricultural practices, peer to peer
- Efficient post-harvest techniques
- Farmer field school interventions
- sharing of knowledge and skill
- Use of better and cleaner production technologies
Irrigation technology
Micro-irrigation technology Irrigation technology for large farm plantations
Solar insects/ pests repellers/ killers in farms
Better and clean technologies Suitable for: rice, maize, wheat, beans, sorghum ect. platantations
Agriculture machinery
2. Organization Dimension
- Practical vocational education and training
- Private sector development
- Value chain management
- Capacity building for cooperative governance
- Financial management
- Member commitment
- Internal capitalisation
3. Entrepreneurial Dimension
- Business Development
- Developing viable business cases
- Record keeping
- Anticipation on supply on demand
- Market-oriented approach
- Linking with financial service provided
- Financial

25kg potato seed in Congo cost $100
25-kilo seeds result in 75 bags (10kg bags of potatoes on average)
4. Socio-political Dimension
- Socio-economic impact
- Human development
- Rural development
- better employment opportunities and income generation
- Boosting local economies